
Sydney (2022)

Madeline Curry is an artist based in el reno, Oklahoma

Madeline Curry is an artist based in El Reno, Oklahoma who primarily works in photography and printmaking. This includes both digital and film photography, and various printmaking techniques such as cyanotypes, linocuts, and monotypes. Madeline is heavily inspired by philosophical concepts and nature. Through her work, she aims to prove that beauty is something that becomes more accessible when we seek to find it ourselves. In her free time, Madeline enjoys reading and exploring different art mediums. 

Exposing Natures Beauty

Exposing Nature’s Beauty (2023)


Miles Per Hour (2023)

Untitled i (2023)

OTW (2022)

Trek to Nowhere (2022)

Alfred Polomo (2022)

Street Photography

North Beach Oasis (2023)

Waiting on Largo(2023)

Crossing in the Snow(2022)

Snowing on Main St.(2022)